Okay, I am WAY behind on posts, but I wanted to sneak this one in here. COOPER POOPED ON THE POTTY! We are so excited! We bought him a potty for Christmas and since then he's been interested, but will just sit there and not do anything. Today he did it!!
Not to sound like an award show, BUT I'd like to thank Jacquee for giving me insight into potty training that worked for her daughter. For anyone working on potty training or soon to be potty training, this is what worked for us...
Not to sound like an award show, BUT I'd like to thank Jacquee for giving me insight into potty training that worked for her daughter. For anyone working on potty training or soon to be potty training, this is what worked for us...
- Start with #2 instead of #1. Originally I was trying to get him to pee on the potty and it wasn't working at all. We tried the before bath time thing and running water in the tub or sink and it didn't matter. Then we started flushing his poopy diapers in the toilet and he like watching the poop go "bye bye". Much bigger motivator!
- Use the big potty instead of a little potty. We got him a potty that converts from a little potty to a seat that fits on the big potty for later. He would sit on the little potty, but never understood what it was for, but he'd seen mommy use the big potty. When we put his seat on the big potty, he got it!
Ok, so he's not potty trained yet, but I can still be excited right? I know we've got a long ways to go, but he was proud of his first stinky in the potty and so am I!
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