Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Lights Out!

I used to tell people that Cooper wasn't much of a climber. He was never really interested in climbing on the couches or on other things like a lot of little boys are. I guess, now I am eating my words. Here is video of his new trick! The first time he did it, I was cooking dinner and he was in the living room (supposedly) playing with his toys. Next thing I know the lights in the living room start going on and off. Yeah fun!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Mattox Update

As of today, I am 29 weeks pregnant with Holland Baby#2, who we are going to name Mattox Robert Holland. The pregnancy so far has gone great. I am blessed with little to no morning sickness and I have had plenty of energy during the day. I'm starting to slow down a little since it's the third trimester, but I'm still able to keep up with Cooper and do everything that I've always done. Mattox kicks ALL the time. It seems like he is constantly moving. The kicks are lower than with Cooper and I've had less heartburn and NO rib-burn (which has been WONDERFUL!).

I've been asked a lot if we have decided to do a c-section or try for a VBAC. Here is the plan so far. Mattox's due date is May 5th. At 36 weeks (middle April), we are going to schedule another ultrasound to try to determine his current weight and headsize. For those of you who didn't know, I had to have a c-section with Cooper because he was a big baby (8lb 4oz) with a BIG head. We are hoping that Mattox isn't as big as his older brother. To date, I haven't gained nearly as much weight as I did with Cooper, so maybe that's a good sign. The Dr. suggested scheduling a c-section for the week of our due date and if Mattox decides to come earlier, than we will try a VBAC and let him come on his own. That would be my preference anyway. We shall soon see what God's plan is for this little boy.

As far as planning goes, we haven't done much because we really don't have much to do. The boys will share a bedroom and we have already moved Cooper into a toddler bed and set up the crib so it's ready for Mattox. I've bought odds and ends of things (new pacifier's, teethers, a couple of toys, etc.) but we don't really need anything big because we were blessed with everything we need from when Cooper was born. Here is a picture of me today. I'm carrying that baby right out front. Just like I did with Cooper.

At the Park

We had another randomly warm day, so Cooper and I decided to walk to the park by our house. The playground didn't have the bucket swings that he usually uses, and he wanted to swing, so we used the "big kid swings". He did so well! He held on by himself and I pushed him (not high, of course). He had a GREAT time swinging and kept asking to swing over and over again. We fed the ducks, but he really enjoyed watching the tons and tons of geese fly overhead. His favorite part, by far, was playing with the steering wheel, or as he called it, "drive big car."

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Tractor Museum!

After all the cold, snowy days, we took advantage of the first "kinda" warm day to get out of the house and do something. David suggested we take Cooper to the Tractor museum. He had a great time. From the minute we walked in the door, he kept saying, "Look, tractors", "Look, Big tractors!" and of course, "TIRES! Dirty tires? No, Clean tires!". He was so excited about everything he saw in there!

Daddy and Cooper admiring a tractor.

Riding the toy tractor in the toy exhibit.

Looking at all the toy tractors.

Big Boy Bed

With Mattox coming soon, we decided to transition Cooper into a toddler bed. He loves his new bed and calls it the "Big Boy Bed." Here are a few pictures of his first night in his Big Boy Bed. The first thing he learned to do was take toys and put them behind the bed. He slept through the night the first night. After a couple of days of getting up and playing with toys during naptime, he is now staying in bed and sleeping. He's getting to be such a big boy!

Popcorn Art

Cooper and I were home alone one night and were feeling crafty. We popped some popcorn and Cooper got to taste some. Yummy! We LOVE fingerpainting so we thought fingerpainting with popcorn could be fun. We got messy, but it was worth it!

Cooper ate popcorn for the first time and LOVED it!

Step 1: squeeze the paint into the popcorn bag.

Step 2: shake, shake, shake!

Step 3: spread glue on the paper.

Step 4: glue on the popcorn.

Yucky....It's sticky!

Finished Product!