Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, November 26, 2010

Happy 7 monthaversary Mattox!

Mattox is 7 months old and more fun than ever!! He and Cooper LOVE playing together. In this picture, Mattox was "Woody" and Cooper was "Buzz". Usually Cooper says that Mattox is Dr. Porkchop. Mattox rolls everywhere and can sit up for quite awhile unsupported. He also LOVES to talk and "sing" (especially in the middle of church!)

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

I'm in da crib.

Cooper ended up in the crib with Mattox during "nap"time. Here's how little Mr. Spiderman pulls it off.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Mattox is 6 months old!

I'm WAY behind on posts, but I wanted to put this one in before it got too much further from the date. I can't believe it's been half a year already since Mattox came into our lives! He is such a blessing to our family and we love him so much! New for this month include sitting up unsupported and exploring and playing with everything! He loves Cooper and Cooper loves making Mattox laugh! I'm so glad my boys get along!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Enjoying a warm afternoon

We took advantage of one of the last warm days of the year and walked to the park to feed the ducks and play on the playground. I think Mattox loved actually being out of the stroller and Cooper loved showing off to his little brother all the cool things he could do.

Meet the newest Holland Baby!

Josiah David Holland was born on October 7th at 11:08pm. He weighed 8.0 lbs. He is Uncle Jonathan and Aunt Heather's first baby and we are so excited to have our first nephew! We can't wait to meet him at Christmas! We love you baby Josiah!

Yummy Carrots.....or not.

I thought Cooper was my picky child when it comes to food, but I'm about to change my mind. We tried rice cereal and Mattox didn't really like it at all, so this week we decided to try carrots. He didn't hate it, but he'll only tolerate it for about 10 bites then I have to trick him into eating. I think he would be happy nursing and just skipping solid food all together.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Morning at the Corn Maize

This morning we took the boys to the Corn Maize. I love this time of year because there are so many things we can do as a family and they are all free or relatively inexpensive. Cooper is finally getting to the age where he really enjoys things like this. He liked seeing the animals and especially riding the cow train and tractor!

I guess I'm a sucker for silly photo ops. I love Mattox's face is this one!

The Cow Train. Cooper saw this as we were walking in the parking lot!

Mattox and I waiting for the cow train to return. Enjoying the nice weather and experiencing new things!

Enjoying the pumpkins and playing in the hay!
Cooper in the kiddie maze! I think he was more interested in flirting with the girls.

From the bridge looking over the maze.

I think this is how we all felt afterwards, but it was fun!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Mattox is 5 months old!

I can't believe it. Mattox is already 5 months old. It's going by WAY too quickly! My little guy has such a HUGE personality. He makes me smile all the time. Here are a few things about Mattox this month.:
  • Since he was born, Cooper has called Mattox, "Matty" and it just kinda stuck. We have also been calling him "Matty Bumpo", "Matty Bumps" and just "Bump".
  • He has started rolling over from his tummy to his back. Mattox HATES being on his tummy so I'm glad we've finally reached this milestone.
  • Mattox loves people, especially his brother, Cooper. He stares at Cooper all the time and thinks everything he does is funny.
  • He loves looking at people's faces and touching faces!
  • Mattox is a night owl! He will happily stay up till 11:30 or midnight, then sleep until 10:00am. (I haven't decided if I like this yet or not.)
  • Mattox doesn't really like rice cereal at all, which is so different from Cooper.
  • I think Mattox looks a lot like me and has a lot of my personality traits, where Cooper favors David. We'll see if this continues as he gets older.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Happy Birthday Poppop!

Today is Poppop's birthday! Even though he lives far away in NC, we talk about him all the time! We wanted to wish you a happy birthday! We can't wait to see you in a few weeks! Enjoy the video!

Monday, August 30, 2010

My John Deere Boy

If you know Cooper at all, you know that he LOVES tractors! No wait, that is an understatement. He is OBSESSED with tractors (and cars, trucks, emergency and construction vehicles.) Pretty much anything with wheels attracts him. Last weekend we drove out to Post, TX to visit our friends Ty and Hayley. Ty farms cotton in Post and has been wanting to show Cooper his tractor for a while now.

The drive to Post was narrated by Cooper naming all the cars, "That's a Toyota! That's a Chevrolet! That's a Lexus!" and the construction vehicles, "It's a CRANE! Do you see the bulldozer? I see a grader!" and of course the tractors and other farm vehicles. He knows them all, tractors, planters, seed drills, combines, cotton stripper, plow, cultivator, you name it he can identify it.

When we got to the farm, the first thing he saw was Ty's tractor! Not only did he have a tractor outside, he had a house full of tractor toys and decorations! When we thought it couldn't get any better, Ty offered to take Cooper on a ride in the Tractor AND the Cotton Stripper! Needless to say, Cooper was in tractor HEAVEN!

Cooper and Ty talking about Tractors.

Ty explaining how it works

Start your engines!

If you notice, Ty isn't holding the steering wheel.

This thing was HUGE!

The cotton stripper was even BIGGER!

Very pleased with himself. I think Ty enjoyed it too!
Needless to say, we had a great time! Oh and Ty and Hayley are doing great. They just had a sweet precious baby, Ayden, who we got to love on some too!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Rice Cereal time!

We decided to go ahead and try Mattox on rice cereal this week. Over the past few days, he has been trying to lift himself into a seated position, can sit for a long period of time with support AND has been eyeing our food during every meal. He has even tried grabbing our utensils. So, we tried rice cereal. As with all first attempts at food, he wasn't too impressed, but after a while got the hang of it and I think actually started to enjoy it.

The "before" picture.

Big bite!

"Mom, what WAS that stuff?"

Not too bad. Kinda content face.

Welcome to the Family Baby Anya!

On August 17th, we welcomed Anya Milena Aaron to the world! She was born at 12:22pm and weighed 7 lbs 13 oz and was 20 1/2 inches long. She is just precious! I think she looks just like Erin. It has also been mentioned that she looks alot like her cousin, Aria. She is beautiful and such an amazing blessing to all of us. I just wish she didn't live so far away!

Right after she was born. She had to stay under an oxygen mask for a little while.

Anya Milena Aaron

Proud Mommy and Daddy!

Proud Aunt!

Going to church for the first time! She was the center of attention!

All 4 cousins. Cooper, Aria, Mattox and Anya

Mattox is 4 months old!

I can't believe it! It's just going by WAY too fast! Mattox is already 4 months old! He is such a happy, smiley baby! He is the master of facial expressions! You can pretty much tell what he is thinking by looking at his face.

New adventures for this month included going to the zoo and aquarium with big brother Cooper and Cousin Aria and welcoming our new cousin Anya into the world.

Not only does Mattox like to stand up, he is now starting to pull himself into a seated position. He also stares at us while we are eating like he is begging for food. We finally gave in and started him on rice cereal yesterday. Here are a few pictures!

Sitting with Aunt Lauren while Mommy is holding baby Anya.
This face is saying, "Mom, aren't you suppose to be holding me?"

Rice cereal faces. He wasn't too impressed with it at first, but by the end, it wasn't too bad.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Samarillo Ranch

I am WAY behind on posts so most of this will be old news. Oh well! A couple of weekends ago, we drove to Amarillo to spend the weekend with Sam and Keesha at Samarillo Ranch. Holly and Cody came with us and we had tons of fun! We got to play games, ride horses and play with the new kittens!

Mattox playing with Holly

Horseback riding! David is on Shasta and Cooper and I are riding C B

Playing Rockband. I was an AWFUL drummer!

Cooper showing the new kitten how to drive a truck

Keesha and Cooper playing with the kittens

The guys playing Rockband