Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Enjoying a warm afternoon

We took advantage of one of the last warm days of the year and walked to the park to feed the ducks and play on the playground. I think Mattox loved actually being out of the stroller and Cooper loved showing off to his little brother all the cool things he could do.

Meet the newest Holland Baby!

Josiah David Holland was born on October 7th at 11:08pm. He weighed 8.0 lbs. He is Uncle Jonathan and Aunt Heather's first baby and we are so excited to have our first nephew! We can't wait to meet him at Christmas! We love you baby Josiah!

Yummy Carrots.....or not.

I thought Cooper was my picky child when it comes to food, but I'm about to change my mind. We tried rice cereal and Mattox didn't really like it at all, so this week we decided to try carrots. He didn't hate it, but he'll only tolerate it for about 10 bites then I have to trick him into eating. I think he would be happy nursing and just skipping solid food all together.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Morning at the Corn Maize

This morning we took the boys to the Corn Maize. I love this time of year because there are so many things we can do as a family and they are all free or relatively inexpensive. Cooper is finally getting to the age where he really enjoys things like this. He liked seeing the animals and especially riding the cow train and tractor!

I guess I'm a sucker for silly photo ops. I love Mattox's face is this one!

The Cow Train. Cooper saw this as we were walking in the parking lot!

Mattox and I waiting for the cow train to return. Enjoying the nice weather and experiencing new things!

Enjoying the pumpkins and playing in the hay!
Cooper in the kiddie maze! I think he was more interested in flirting with the girls.

From the bridge looking over the maze.

I think this is how we all felt afterwards, but it was fun!