If you know Cooper at all, you know that he LOVES tractors! No wait, that is an understatement. He is OBSESSED with tractors (and cars, trucks, emergency and construction vehicles.) Pretty much anything with wheels attracts him. Last weekend we drove out to Post, TX to visit our friends Ty and Hayley. Ty farms cotton in Post and has been wanting to show Cooper his tractor for a while now.
The drive to Post was narrated by Cooper naming all the cars, "That's a Toyota! That's a Chevrolet! That's a Lexus!" and the construction vehicles, "It's a CRANE! Do you see the bulldozer? I see a grader!" and of course the tractors and other farm vehicles. He knows them all, tractors, planters, seed drills, combines, cotton stripper, plow, cultivator, you name it he can identify it.
When we got to the farm, the first thing he saw was Ty's tractor! Not only did he have a tractor outside, he had a house full of tractor toys and decorations! When we thought it couldn't get any better, Ty offered to take Cooper on a ride in the Tractor AND the Cotton Stripper! Needless to say, Cooper was in tractor HEAVEN!
Cooper and Ty talking about Tractors.
Ty explaining how it works
Start your engines!
If you notice, Ty isn't holding the steering wheel.
This thing was HUGE!The cotton stripper was even BIGGER!
Very pleased with himself. I think Ty enjoyed it too!
Needless to say, we had a great time! Oh and Ty and Hayley are doing great. They just had a sweet precious baby, Ayden, who we got to love on some too!